Welcome to Pirate7.com
Home of
Firefly Hackerspace
I 'm an obtuse man, so I'll try to be oblique
We build things
Things to make us go
We are 10 acres of junkyardy goodness, just outside Casper, Wy
with the ability to make just about anything. We have a constant stream of projects ranging from hand made cars to off-grid living. We have live music shows, drive in movies, and workshops where you can learn, hands on, just about anything.
Here is the basic outline of this website....
There is something very wrong with this country.
We have been lied to, for a very long time, about almost everything.
What is broken can be fixed, don't give up.
Courage is way more important than numbers
You really can accomplish anything.
You can build a hotrod for cheap.
Way fun doesn't mean way pricey.
Burningman was a lot more fun with a lot fewer people.